Shortening of the Exit Queues

Sick and tired of waiting at the school gates to leave the school? Aren’t we all!

One of the projects that the CdE’s Improvement Team is taking care of this year is solving that problem. Given how current and sensitive the issue is, we cannot go into detail about the progress of this project as of yet. However, following countless meetings with school management, the security officers and IT Department, we can confidently say we are doing the best we can.

Security guards have asked, in addition, that students make sure their exit cards are prepared prior to arriving at the scanners to ensure a quick and efficient exit – whether a second scanner is available or not.

Coordination of this project is led by Karlis Purins and Saverio Locchi as part of their work for the Improvement Team led by Sarlote Abatniece. Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, reach out to Karlis through the following email address: [email protected].