DOCUMENTATION: FDOS Student Rules & Procedures
The First Day of School (FDOS) project is a complex plan involving the complete revision of the FDOS. The project is led by Dillon Shah, current Vice-President of the CdE and Chair of the FDOS Working Group at EEBII. Members of this working group are as follows:
- Ms. Kirsten MEEUS (Assistant to the Deputy Director, EEBII)
- Mr. Antonio RUSSO (Transition Coordinator P5-S1)
- Ms. Goedele PALMERS (S5 Advisor)
- Ms. Bianca TOZZI (S1 Advisor)
Without the help and input of all members of the working group, this project would not be able to be realised.
UPDATE 04/06: Please find below the FINAL VERSION of the timetable for the First Day of School. Details on the next steps (including communication to the whole school) available below under “Latest Updates”.

The Plan
The project takes into account the overcrowding at the school and its effect on the welcome environment for new students. Revising the timetable completely, it is currently anticipated that all existing students in EEBII Secondary will only have to come in for two periods in the afternoon – allowing for tired teenagers to get some well-needed sleep before returning to school. Please find below the timetable that was worked on since December. It will most likely be adjusted (and therefore we remind you that this is not guaranteed).
This project is complex for a number of reasons:
- Transport to and from the school for existing students in S2-S6 has to be done autonomously (no school busses at that time)
- Language tests for select new students have to be undertaken on the first day to create L2 groups
- Teachers & staffing: how many hours will teachers have to work extra/less?
- What happens when students have lunch; can they use the canteen?
- What sports activities will be organised by the sports teachers?
However, those are only some of the issues that the project currently faces. But it does include a number of positives – academic activities (except language tests) are not going to take place on the first day of school. Instead, the day will be used to deepen ties between classmates and establish new social connections for the new students at EEBII.
S5-S6 Student Recruitment
As shown on the timetable above, there is a so-called “CdE Takeover” for all new students in Secondary at the start of the day. During this period, all new students will be invited to a classroom (to be organised by the FDOS working group) and will speak to two or more members of the existing school community. They can ask questions, do a tour of the school together, play games, chat, and really engage in a relaxing and calm social environment.
UPDATE 04/06: Recruitment is now closed, with all sections fully staffed.
The CdE is not keeping this project to itself! Through its development, all stakeholders of the school community have been well-informed: at the CEES meetings (involved parent association representatives, staff, management & teacher representatives and lastly students, of course), Well-Being Advisory Boards and most recently in two conversations that the CdE had with the parents association.
We take pride in the work that has been done so far and we are excited to see where this goes.
Additional resources with regards to the First Day of School (FDOS) project are linked below.
- Link to the Promotional Video for S5-S6 students
- Link to the Powerpoint Presentation on the FDOS project
- Link to the Draft Leaflets for new students from next year
Latest Updates
UPDATE 17/07:
- All preparations complete – timetabling done and activities finalised.
- Document detailing Rules & Procedures approved by CDE Presidency.
- Next step: training for all CDE Takeover Staff on 01/05 as approved by school management
UPDATE 04/06:
- Recruitment for S5-S6 students is now closed. All sections are fully staffed.
- Timetabling in creation and assignment of students for CdE takeover to classes.
- Sports teachers have confirmed activities which include:
- Kubb
- Mölkky
- Frisbee freestyle
- Room assignment for CdE takeover + class teacher hour currently being finalised.
- Communication to the whole school on final details is drafted, awaiting final approval.
- Details for students involved in CdE takeover will be sent to them shortly.
- Policy & procedural documents for 5 September currently in planning.
- Meeting with CdE takeover students to occur between end-June and September sometime.