Who are we?
The Comité des Élèves (C.D.E.), or Pupils’ Committee, is the democratically elected student council of the European School of Brussels II (EEB2). Representing all students, the CDE works to amplify student voices, defend their rights, and improve school life. Through events, initiatives, and transparent communication, the CDE fosters a vibrant and inclusive community.
The CDE is made out of three parts, our Core, our Teams and our external representation in other projects and organisations.
Want to Contact us? Check out our Suggestion Form or our Contact Form.
The Core
The Presidency
The CDE Presidency, oversees everything that happens in the CDE and are making sure everything is running smoothly and efficiently. The presidency this year is made up out of our President, Andrei Crinta (Right), and our Vice-President, Anushka Shah (Left).

The Treasurer and The Secretary
Our Core Team isn’t just made out our Presidency, we also have our Treasurer and our Secretary. The Treasurer, Michael Yeomans (Not Shown), is in charge of all of the CDEs financial matter. The Deputy Treasurer, Ana-Iulia Medeleanu (Left) will assist the Treasurer throughout the year. Our Secretary, Vesselina Hoffmeister (Right), is in charge of taking the CDEs meeting notes. Making them available to everyone.

The Teams
“The Amnesty Team has demonstrated dedication and effort in their recent fundraising initiative by organizing and selling out Halloween candies and raising 172 €. Their commitment was made clear by organizing online and physical meetings and by including all members in the preparation and in the sale. The funds raised from this event will be contributed to charity and more. Concerning future plans, the Amnesty Team is collecting ideas for a Christmas and Valentine sale, which is famously known for selling and receiving roses around the school at a cheap price.”
– The Amnesty Team (From Left to Right);
Ahimsa Gesquiere
Aruna Núñez de Arenas Tovar
Rose Laterme (Deputy-Head)
Vesselina Hoffmeister (Head)
Reyen Popescu
Nora Eichhorn
Kyriaki Lysandrides

Public Relations (PR)
“The CDE’s PR team deals with communications and sharing information that have to do with our school events, sales and news. Our aims this year are to facilitate communications between the management, students, parents and staff, to be improve transparency and to see it through that all shareholders of EEB2 never miss a thing.”
– The Public Relations Team (From Left to Right);
Ana-Iulia Medeleanu (Deputy-head of PR)
Nora Eichhorn (The Head of PR and social media)
Tomas Sadauskas
Marta Elīza Timofejeva (Head of design)
Alessandro Cesaro (Co-head of communications)
Alice Marques (Co-head of communications)

“The Improvement Team focuses on making meaningful changes to improve the school environment and student wellbeing. From proposing innovative projects to enhancing facilities, they work to ensure the school is a place where every student can thrive.”
– The Improvement Team (From Left to Right);
Marta (Head)
Rusnė Žvirblytė
Aruna Núñez de Arenas Tovar
Gustavs Malzubris
Ivan Huitfeldt
Ahimsa Gesquiere
Maria Vitória Rechena

Kehoe Grand Debates (KGD)
“The Kehoe Grand Debates Team empowers students to develop critical thinking and public speaking skills through organizing the Kehoe Grand Debates. They train debaters, chairs, and mentors, ensuring the events run smoothly while fostering intellectual engagement.”
– The Kehoe Grand Debates Team (From Left to Right);
Margarida Veríssimo
Balthazar Kraft (Head)
Rusnė Žvirblytė
Adrian Cioponea (Not Shown)

“The Jumpers Team handles everything related to school jumpers, a tradition at EEB2. They coordinate the design competition, manage jumper orders, and oversee sales and distribution, ensuring every student can proudly wear their school emblem.”
– The Jumpers Team (From Left to Right);
Margarida Veríssimo (Head)
Reyan Popescu
Víctor Sáez Törnblom
Ivan Huitfeldt (Deputy-Head)
Tomas Sadauskas (Not Shown)
Alessandro (Not Shown)
Adrian Cioponea (Not Shown)

“The Leisure Team is dedicated to making the average student’s experience a bit more enjoyable and fun, responsible for most non-school related projects. This year, we are striving to create and introduce new interactive activities, sales and projects that will make you remember how active and exciting school can actually be, while also celebrating and raising awareness for a miscellany of dates through some special events: from national days, to movies, to Christmas, to cookies – we’re doing it all!“
– The Leisure Team (From Left to Right);
Kyriaki Lysandrides
Valentina Huitfeldt (Advisor)
Alice Marques (Deputy-Head)
Valters Kriškalns
Gustavs Malzubris (Head)
Vesselina Hoffmeister
Adrian Cioponea (Not Shown)

“The IT Team is responsible for managing the CDE website and overseeing key IT projects, such as the Anonymous Suggestion Forms and the Teacher Absence System. Previously part of the PR Team, it was decided this year to establish the IT Team as a separate group to focus more effectively on technical initiatives. As the website managers, they also ensure that processes like Jumper sales run smoothly, supporting other teams in their digital needs.”
– The IT Team (From Left to Right);
Tomas Sadauskas
Víctor Sáez Törnblom (Head)
Ivan Huitfeldt

External Represetation
Conseil Supérieur des Élèves (CoSup)
Representatives (from left to right): Tomas Sadauskas, Valentina Huitfeldt

Administrative Board (CA)
Representatives (from left to right): Margarida Veríssimo, Andrei Crinta

School Advisory Council (SAC)
Representatives (from left to right): Valters Kriškalns, Valentina Huitfeldt

Conseil d’Éducation Élargi du Secondaire (CEES)
Representatives (from left to right): Ana-Iulia Medeleanu, Anushka Shah, Gustavs Malzubris, Rose Laterme

Green Representatives
Representatives (from left to right): Alice Marques

Event Representatives
Representatives (from left to right): Ana-Iulia Medeleanu, Nora Eichhorn

Class Time Representatives
Representatives (from left to right): Valters Kriškalns, Ana-Iulia Medeleanu

Well-Being Advisory Board (WAB)
Representatives (from left to right): Rusnė Žvirblytė

13 Stars
Representatives (from left to right): Maria Vitória Rechena

Representatives (from left to right): Anushka Shah, Ana-Iulia Medeleanu