Meet the people behind the Pupils’ Committee – widely known as Comité des Élèves – and take a look at the different topics covered by us. To give you an overview of the members’ roles, the teams are listed below with their respective names.
This is an attempt to archive previous CDE Teams years before the website was made, if there are any errors or missing names, contact the current CDE IT team. – Victor Sáez Törnblom IT Team 2023-2024
The CDE Team
The Presidency
President: Anya (Left)
Vice President: Amelie (Right)

The Treasury
The Treasurer is responsible of the CDE’s budget and treasury.
Treasury: Fabian
Deputy Treasury: Raivo

Teams and Working Groups
The Public Relations Team
Head: Raivo
Deputy: Gustav

(The Kehoe) Grand Debates Team
Head: Dillon (Left)
Deputy: Isabel (Right)

The Leisure Team
Head: Emma D.
Deputy: Bruno

The Improvement Team
Head: William
Deputy: Emma B.

The Amnesty Team
Head: Giulia
Deputies: Dario, Zoé, Alice, Clara
Jumper Team
Head: Victor
Deputies: Eva, Bruno
The Mini CDE
Members: Bruno, Alice, Zoé

The Website Team
The Website Team was created in 2021 and is in charge of this website. Its members are the IT Team as well as externally contracted students and alumni who are not part of the Pupils’ Committee. Their duty is to keep everything regarding the website running. This includes supervising server uptimes, posting articles, responding to contact forms, updating and publishing pages, and running the e-shop. If you face any issues or notice your browsing experience is not as smooth as you would have hoped, please submit a contact form so we can look into your issue!
2021-2022 members : Francisco (Head), Jonathan (Lead Developer)
2022-2023 members : Francisco (Head), Daniel, Yann, Andrei, Jonathan (Lead Developer)
2023-2024 members : Carlota Vicente, Víctor Sáez Törnblom, Jonathan (Lead Developer)
Meetings and External Representation
Administrative Board (CA)
Representatives (from left to right): Anya, Fabian

Conseil Supérieur des Élèves (CoSup)
Representatives (from left to right) : Isabel Fontan, Luca Ireland

School Advisory Council (SAC)
Representatives (from left to right): Luca, Emma

Conseil d’Éducation Élargi du Secondaire (CEES)
Representatives (from left to right): Alice, Gustav, Amelie, Eva

Well-Being Advisory Board (WAB)
Representatives (from left to right): Emma D, Salvija Beatrice

Anti Sexual Harassment Board (ASHB)
Representatives (from left to right): Juliette, Emma B

8 Life Skills Working Group
Members (from left to right): Sarnath, Emma B
Climate representatives
Members (from left to right): Dillon, Julie